Kirby, Philip

The process mind: new thoughtware for designing your busines - e1 - CRC Press 2015

This book emphatically makes the case that the new thoughtware of process thinking is imperative if you are to compete in the twenty-first century. With game-changing thinking, thought-provoking principles, and eye-opening examples, Kirby brings to life the operating intelligence of a process mind and demonstrates why process is the most innovative product you can build. The book covers the downside of old thoughtware and the upside of new thoughtware. It sets out the principles on which thoughtware operates, describes its application at every level of work, and illustrates the impact of new thoughtware with real-life examples and case reports. The author presents insights gained through decades of successful implementation of new thoughtware practices across North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

9781482228953 25.99

658.402 / KIR-15